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Independent Research Services

Is your hard work hitting its target?
I can help you find out.

Whether you’d like my help with a specific research task or you need me on board with the whole project – I’ll guide you through the brilliant world of people-informed research and draw out surprisingly useful insights so you can make the work you do better.

Here’s what I can do…


All good research starts with a clear purpose. Before you begin your research project, you’ll need to get a good understanding of:

  • What you already know – or think you know
  • What you don’t know
  • What you assume and need to check
  • What you want to use the research for

I can help you develop solid research objectives by running workshops and talking to your key stakeholders to get to the bottom of what you need. I’ll also dig up all the context you need to know beforehand – like understanding your market position and competitors. Together, we’ll put together a compelling research brief.

From here, I can help you work out the right questions to ask your audience, and put together questionnaires and discussion guides that will get you straight to the heart of what you need to know.


Once you know what you need to find out, it’s time to make a plan.

  • What methodology should you use?
  • Do you need any additional resources, or people, to help?
  • How long will it take?
  • How do you access the right people to speak to?

I’ll help you put together a clear step-by-step plan that aligns with your research objectives and gets you the results you need, when you need them.

And if your project needs additional research experts, like quantitative researchers or participant recruiters, I can source and coordinate them for you too.


With a plan in place, it’s time to do the work.
I can carry out…

  • In depth phone interviews
  • In-person research
  • Focus groups
  • Project management to see everything through

I’m based in the North East of England, and I’m always delighted when I get to do in-person research locally. But I can travel too if you need me to, or run groups online. I guarantee participant anonymity where needed, keeping identifiable information confidential when I report back to you.

Listening to participants and digging out the detail is where the magic happens. It’s what I do and I love it. I’ll draw out key themes and insights, then turn them into actionable steps to help you improve what you offer.

“As well as gathering insights to give us a laser focus on fuel crisis and our service and clients, Lynda ensures that we understand what the insights mean and how to make them actionable”

Matt Cole, Fuel Bank Foundation

Need some help with your research project?